About Me

You are fearfully and wonderfully made, created with a purpose, a place to be, a time to be, and of immeasurable value. If I am able to portray this in my work then I will have accomplished a good thing. It's a privilege to help capture memories for others, taking pictures of people at all stages of life.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Girls

My beautiful daughters. Now if I could only get all six of the kids together.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Baby Gabrielle is almost one now. She is a beautiful baby with so much joy. This kid even laughes at herself already.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


This is Ray, my husband, he was at the studio helping me unpack some furniture, and while we were there I took this picture of him. Ray is a loving man who is kind and gentile, always there by his families side when we need him. Thank you Honey for so much. I couldn't do what I do without you.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Joe and Brita

Joe and Brita had a sweet wedding today, and what a great day it was. The night before was awful, with bad storms and rain, but then the weather was clear today and gave way to lots of sunshine for a beautiful wedding.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I had the privilege of photographing Donna the other evening. She has a great personality and is a wonderful lady who has done so much for others. Her and her husband will be celebrating 39 years of marrige,
now that is an accomplishment and she is an inspiration.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Larkin Family

I went over to the Larkin's home to photograph their family and son and had a pleasant time. They are a family of warmth and generosity that are a joy to have here serving our community.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lair Family

Yesterday I had the privilege of meeting the Lair family. They are a beautiful couple with a sweet daughter. Maddy in vintage is stunning.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Went to see the movie "Up" with Nami last night. I think she laughed louder then anyone there in the theater, and I didn't mind...I love her laughter. After that we went and bought some new nail polish so we could go home and paint our toes. She picked it out....hahahahahaha...the name of the color is All That. Boy it is "all that"...purple sparkles in various sizes. Bling, bling. That's Naomi, the color is fitting as she is all that. ;-)

Monday, June 1, 2009


This is my beautiful Naomi, ready for her first swim of the summer. She did take a dip yesterday out at the park and liked to froze to death. All in time and it'll be hot soon enough, in the meen time we will go to the Library for something to do. Might even take a couple of grandkids too.