About Me

You are fearfully and wonderfully made, created with a purpose, a place to be, a time to be, and of immeasurable value. If I am able to portray this in my work then I will have accomplished a good thing. It's a privilege to help capture memories for others, taking pictures of people at all stages of life.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tristen and Lauren

This is Tristen and Lauren, they are Stephany and Justin's two beautiful girls. They also are just a couple of my wonderful grandaughters. Tristen is sweet and a very good big sister to Lauren, she's growing up so fast. Lauren is a very small little thing, but don't let her size fool you, boy is she spunky with dancing eyes...she's a lot like her momma.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Amanda and Larry

Sarah and I photographed a beautiful wedding here in Galesburg yesterday. Amanda and Larry are very much in love and it showed. The future looks bright and promising for the happy couple, and their families are so proud of them.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Galesburg High School 20 year reunion

GHS class of 89, the prints are in the envelopes and should be sent out tonight...or tomorrow. I was so impressed at all the folks who came from all around the world just to be together again. What a special night it was. Here's a sample of the picture, gosh you guys are a good looking bunch. Click on the image and it will let you see it larger.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009



Make your children’s back to school portrait appointments now as time slots are limited. I will meet any portrait package that is offered through your school. All you have to do is bring in the information and the offer you are wanting. Some substitutions of offer may need to be made. 309-335-3380, call for your appointment.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sarah and Family

I got to take some pics of Sarah, Jamie and Rhapsody Elizabeth last night over at the studio. They are beautiful people and I'm so glad they are mine. ;-) All three of them are very involved in theater and the arts, and you may have seen them around at the Prairie Players, Railroad Days or at Carl Sandburg Collage.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Gabby 11 Months

Another shoot with Gabby. She's 11 months here, give or take a week.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sarah and Josiah

Sarah and Josiah were married July the 11th. It was a beautiful wedding with lots of friends from out of town, even the Barclay family came in for the event. Boy how time has just flown by, I know we say this often in our lives...some things can really bring this reality close to home. I knew Sarah when she was just a little girl, now she is a beautiful grown woman. Blessings to the both of you.